Why not get married on the sands with the waves lashing against the shore. Yes, a beach wedding instead of the same old in door wedding ceremony functions… And where can you opt to get married? The sands of Goa offer a pleasant setting for the ceremony with the honeymoon, with a lot of options.
If that is what you have decided for then the next probable question is: What about the beach wedding dresses? There are designers who specialize in wedding dresses for the beach. These are generally in lighter shades with a matt effect, rather than the general heavy gold and silver work. In fact, these dresses are far lighter in weight.
In case, you do prefer something heavy, a designer would usually talk you out of the option, as any kind of heavy embroidery and bead and sequence work would tend to spoil because of the sand particles.
For the day wear the recommended options would be white, cream, peach, pink, and the other pastels with pearls or light shimmer embroidery with a simple head gear. If you are looking at theme wedding then you could opt for something totally different; that is if you are adventurous enough…
Probably a bikini wedding dress with a sarong to keep the protocol of decency for the parents, aunts and uncles… Well, its all about joy and celebration…
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